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Independent Subaru Service & Repair

Repairing Cylinder Heads at Sorenson Auto Inc. - The Subaru Repair Experts of Minnesota
CylinderHead Gasket Repair


Sale Price starting at $5,200.00 + Tax

Regular Price $6,500.00

November 10- December 10

Complete Engine overhaul repairs can range depending on a number of variables. Generally Subaru engine rebuilding can cost anywhere from $6,500.00 - $12,500.00 depending on what you want to do. Generally on average 2.5 SOHC Engines typically cost $6,500.00 with a worst case scenario of $7,500.00.


The 2.0 & 2.5 Engines generally range about $7,250.00 (Including the Turbo Charger Overhaul).


$8500.00 if it needs a completely new Turbo Charger With a worst case scenario of $10,500.00 if the Cylinder Heads and Camshafts are damaged beyond repair.

2.5L, 2.2L, & 1.8L
Engine Rebuilding
Rebuilding a Subaru 2.2L at Sorenson Automotive Inc. - The Subaru Repair Experts of Minnesota

Cost: $3,750.00 plus tax


Complete replacement of Cylinder Head Gaskets (Turbo Upgrade) Timing belt, Water Pump, Thermostat, Timing Component Kit, NGK Iridium (9) Plugs, Pressure Check & Machine Cylinder Heads & Check Intake/Exhaust Valves Sealing Pressure, Intake/Exhaust Valve Adjustments, Cylinder Head Cam Plate Disassemble & Re-Seal, Deep Throttle Body Cleaning and Intake Runner Carbon Removal, Complete Engine Re-Seal including Rear Main Seal (less Oil Pan) and PCM Update to current ECU Software.


Subaru 1.8L, 2.0L and 2.5L Engines are well known for Head Gasket failure generally failing around the 100,000 mile mark however our service technicians have seen cylinder Head Gasket failure as low at 50,000 miles this is due to poor O.E.M Gasket design as well as the the horizontal mounting position of the Cylinder Heads. The Subaru service department is well aware of this issue as a brand new Subaru will typically be sold off the lot with Stop-Leak added to the Engines Coolant System.


In most cases early stages of Cylinder Head Gasket failures the leak will start as an external Oil or Coolant leak leaking externally usually dripping on the Engines Exhaust System or Vehicle sub-frame. As the leak continues over time the it will develop into an internal coolant or Oil leak thus burning Engine Oil/Coolant or both and can cause Engine overheating and damage to the Engines internal Parts and Components.

Sorenson Automotive, Inc. is well aware of the poor O.E.M Gasket design from Subaru and we take every precaution when making repairs to these Vehicles to ensure that future Cylinder Head Gasket failure does not develop.

Cost: $1,049.99

Subaru's require that the Timing Belt be repaired around 100,000 miles. These important components should never be forgotten about or overlooked because Subaru Engines have an "Interference" Motor. In the event the Timing Belt or one of the timing belt components break, it will throw the engine out of time. Breaking a belt or a timing component will then throw the Intake & Exhaust Valves in the Cylinder Heads to strike the Pistons causing catastrophic Engine damage.

At Sorenson Automotive we are an independent specialty shop for Subaru repair and service. Technicians/mechanics replace the Engine's Timing Belt, Water Pump and all Timing Belt components to insure your Subaru will have a long life ahead.

Timing Belt & Water Pump
Replacing a Timing Belt and Water Pump at Sorenson Auto Inc. - The Subaru Repair Experts of Minnesota

We Bring Vehicles Back to Life!

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